Mass Effect andromeda


Drak’s Loyalty Mission

I joined the Bioware Montreal team in September 2016. I became the primary Level Designer on Drak’s Loyalty Mission.

If the player has engaged in the story line “A Future For Our People,” the mission will become available after certain conversations with the companion NPC Drak, who needs your help to rescue his daughter’s partner from ferocious pirates.

This mission takes place on a small moon of the planet Elaaden, and progresses in a linear fashion. I worked closely with the environment artists and gameplay engineers to create engaging combat encounters with a variety of enemy compositions, as well as create a map layout that is interesting and fun to traverse.

Meridian hub world

I was also responsible for creating the final stage of Mass Effect Andromeda, the Meridian Hub.

This social space unlocks for the player after they beat the main campaign, and serves as an epilogue to wrap up all the remaining story threads the player may have started or completed throughout the game.

I accounted for who the player chose to play (male or female Ryder, custom or standard) who they romanced, killed, or befriended — these dependencies resulted in who will show up here and what interactions are available.